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Petit Japonais

It's all looks so delicious and good looking♪


Ohh! I recently discovered a love for black vinegar! Can you post how to cook the chicken teriyaki with black vinegar?! Please~


wow! what a feast! so many yummy dishes..i would be delighted with just 2 or 3 of them! i will def. try making the tomato miso soup. looks so delicious! However do you find the time to cook so many yummy dishes with a little one to look after at the same time?


Look at you! Posting a food tutorial while looking after a toddler! Go mommy!


That looks delicious! Thank you for the recipe.


Oh c'est si apétissant tout ça!
Merci pour la recette...

Melissa Dobeas

That Tomato Miso soup looks amazing!



Hey ! Nice blog ^^
Since you seem to be living in Japan, I would like to know if you or readers of this blog are interested in writing about the way you have personnally experienced the Northeastern Japan Earthquake (if you know people who have experienced the earthquake in Japan, it'd be great if you coud let him/her know about this).
Tokyo Room Finder Short Essay Contest is an online project to gather heart-warming experiences following the earthquake in Japan. We strongly believe that sharing those experiences will give people hope and revitalize Japan.
We also offer 2 tickets for Tokyo Disney Resort to each of the winners.

For more details : http://tokyoroomfinder.blogspot.com/


I love your food photographs, of things we never normally see here. (not that the boy photos are viewed less pleasantly)


I used to peel tomatoes like that but now I have only an electric stove :-(


I saw this on your blog and decided to make it as part of my lunch. We don't get a lot of vine ripened tomatoes where I live, so I used smaller cherry tomatoes which have more flavor than the regular hamburger-type. It worked out well as I only made a small amount. You're right...it was delicious.

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